Скачать игры » LoK: Rebirth / Legend of Krystal: Rebirth

LoK: Rebirth / Legend of Krystal: Rebirth

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LoK: Rebirth / Legend of Krystal: Rebirth

Описание: LoK:Rebirth is an adult furry game, remade in the spirit of the original one developed in Flash several years ago, first by PlayShapes and then expanded by a bunch of talented enthusiasts at the LoK Forums.
If you didn't had the chance of playing the original game and its spin-offs, and you're curious about where LoK:Rebirth takes inspiration from, I highly recommend going here and taking a look!
That being said, LoK:Rebirth is being created mainly by two (full-time) hard working guys: Kuja (art) and Abelius (everything else). Theressomeonehere is also helping us as proofreader/editor.
LoK:R uses Unity3D as development platform and engine, as well as Esoteric Software Spine Pro for animations. This means a big leap in technology and we humbly think it's showing. Our main priorities are quality, aesthetics and gameplay.
- Игра является ремейком Legend of Krystal
[Windows] [LoK: Rebirth / Legend of Krystal: Rebirth ] [.ZIP.EXE]
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